What are cookies and what are they used for

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by the user send directly to their terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being sent back to the same websites on the next visit by the same user (so-called first-party cookies). When browsing a website, the user can receive cookies from different websites or web servers on their terminals (so-called third-party cookies); This is possible because elements may be present on the visited website, such as images, maps, sounds, or specific links to web pages in other domains that reside on different servers from the one where the requested page was found. In other words, these are cookies that are set by a website other than the one being visited at the time.

Cookies may be of a duration limited to a single browsing session on the browser (so-called session cookie). In this case, they are automatically disabled when the user closes the browser. Otherwise, they can have a predetermined duration. If they do, they will remain active and stored the hard drive until their expiry date, and will continue to gather information on the browser during different browsing sessions (so-called permanent cookies).

Cookies are used to perform different functions. Some are necessary to allow you to browse the website and use of its functionality (so-called technical cookies ). Others are used to obtain statistical information, whether or not in aggregate form, on the number of users accessing the website and how the website is used (co-called tracking or analytics cookies). Finally, other cookies are used to track your consumer profile and make you view advertisements on the website that may be of interest to you and be consistent with your tastes and your consumption habits (so-called profiling cookies).

For further details on these different categories of cookies, read this article. Learn how they work and what they do, and choose freely whether to consent to or prevent their use.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are used on websites only so you can browse the websites and to enable you to use their functionality. These are always first-party cookies, as they are directly enabled by you on the website.

Some technical cookies are essential for providing an optimal browsing experience or allowing you to authenticate yourself on the website, for example when making a purchase on the website or entering your own secure area (so-called navigation cookies). Browsing cookies are normally session cookie, so they are automatically deactivated after closing your browser.

Other technical cookies are useful for allowing you to store some of your preferences (e.g. language or country of origin) without having to reset them on subsequent visits (so-called functionality cookies). For this reason, the functionality cookies are often persistent cookies, because they remain stored in users’ computers even after the browser is closed, until their scheduled expiry date or until you decide to delete them.

The following technical cookies are currently used on the website:

Category Name Cookie function Lenght
Technical phpsessionid Authentication End Session
Functionality _iub_* Cookie Preference 1 year
Functional cp-lang Language preference End session
Performance _ga_*,_pk_* Statistics Permanent

Pursuant to current legislation on privacy, your prior consent is not required for the installation of these cookies. Of course, you are free to block the installation of technical cookies by modifying the settings of your browser (see paragraph E, no. 1 to find out how this is done). However, please bear in mind that by blocking the installation of technical cookies, or their subsequently removal, your ability to access the website, or fully or partially use it, to enable or disable certain functions, or to receive certain services, could be fully or partially compromised.

Cookie analytics

Cookies analytics are treated as technical cookies when used directly by the website manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the website.

Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are designed to create profiles on the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the Internet. Given the considerably invasive nature that such devices can have in terms of user privacy, European and Italian legislation requires the user to be properly informed on the use of cookies and to express their valid consent. Art. 122 of the Privacy Code refers to the above when it states that “the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or a user, or access to information already stored, is only allowed on the condition that the contractor or the user has given his or her consent, after having been informed by the simplified procedures referred to in Art. 13 of the Privacy Code, paragraph three”.

Session e Persistent Cookies

Session Cookies contain information that is used in the current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Nothing is stored on your computer other than the time of use of the website (PHPSESSIONID and language). Persistent Cookies are used to maintain the information that is used in the period between one access and another to the website, or is used for technical purposes and to improve browsing on the website. This data allows websites to recognise that you are a previously recorded user or visitor and to adapt accordingly. “Persistent” cookies have a useful life that is set by the website and that can vary from a few minutes to several years.

First-Party and Third-Party Cookies

Cookies can be installed on the user’s terminal by the manager of the website and the user visiting ( ‘First-Party Cookies’), or by third parties (‘Third-Party Cookies’). The information collected by these First-Party Cookies is kept by the manager of the website visited by the user, while the data collected by Third-Party Cookies is retained by third parties. Further information can be found in the link www.youronlinechoices.com on how behavioural advertising works, as well as comprehensive information on cookies and the steps that can be taken to protect privacy on the Internet.

The following third-party cookies are currently used on the website:

Cookie name Cookie Type Link to information
Google Analytics – Cookie analytics and third-party profiling
– permanent
link | partners
Matomo – Cookie analytics and third-party profiling
– permanent
Google Double Click – Third-party profiling cookies
– permanent
YouTube – Technical authentication cookies and third-party profiling
– permanent
Vimeo – Technical authentication cookies and third-party profiling
– permanent
Facebook – Technical authentication cookies and third-party profiling
– permanent
Twitter – Technical authentication cookies and third-party profiling
– permanent
Linkedin – Technical authentication cookies and third-party profiling
– permanent

Refusal/withdrawal of consent

To refuse/withdraw your consent to use one or more profiling or third-party cookies, you can:
• Access links to the third parties listed above.
• Visit the website www.youronlinechoices.com

Disabling of cookies

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies Cookies stored on your device’s hard drive can still be deleted, and you can disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browser, at the following link:
Internet Explorer

Please refer to the privacy policypage for complete information on the data provided pursuant to Art. 13 of the privacy code.

This page is can be viewed via the link at the bottom of all pages of the website, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.